All students receive a FREE breakfast and FREE lunch each school day. Menus are available here: Students have a choice of three entrees plus a delicious and nutritious salad/fruit bar. Students may bring lunch and snacks from home, but please send only healthy items. Students cannot bring candy, soda, coffee, sports/energy drinks (ex: Gatorade), or unhealthy chips (ex: Hot Cheetos/Takis) for lunch. The purpose of this is to keep our kids’ bodies and brains healthy!
Cafeteria and Lunch Arbor Rules:
- Enter the eating area and wait in line calmly.
- Find your classroom table, select a seat, and stay there.
- Use respectful language (don’t forget to thank the people who are serving the food!)
- Use quiet voices when talking to friends at your table.
- Raise your hand for permission to leave your table.
- Finish eating, clean up your area, and dispose of tray and trash appropriately.